Hi, My name is TJ. How Can I Help?


My name is TJ Houston. First and foremost I am a lifelong learner. I love learning about new things and sharing what I learn. This site is an extension of that. Hopefully, you will find something here that saves you time or makes your life easier! I live in Ohio with my lovely wife Ashley, my crazy sons Maxwell & Toby and really loud dogs Jynx and George.

My career has taken me to many places and provided me with very unique experiences that have made me into the leader I am today. My full-time career is with Ashland County West-Holmes Career Center where I am the Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Teacher. 

I have worked as an educator my entire career and I really do enjoy that moment when someone finally understands something. I thrive for that moment when someone “gets it” or has that “aha” moment. I am a lifelong learner that loves helping other lifelong learners. I have a podcast about running and fitness that you can check out here and a Youtube channel that you can follow here

If you need absolutely anything, shoot me a message and let me know how I can help! 


Sometimes a setback is a setup for a comeback! -SSG Ryder


“TJ, you have made such a positive difference in our school. Thank you for all of your good ideas and the passion that you bring to your job.” 

– John Fernbaugh , Deputy Superintendent Huron City Schools 

“Thank you for going above & beyond.  You make a major impact on our student achievement.”

— Greg Ring, Superintendent Lorain County ESC

“Thank you for not making me feel stupid when asking a question.  You are the first technical person that does not treat me like a moron.  You welcome my questions with a smile and help me work through my issues.”

– Kim Eibel, Elementary Teacher

Get in touch at tj@tjhouston.com